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Sarah Talaba
Design and Fabrication FX Artist
"Great Axe of the Ebon Blade" Weapon Replica
The Great Axe is a fantasy weapon from the computer game "World of Warcraft." This battleaxe is four feet tall and is constructed from rigid foam, wood, and "Durham's Rock Hard" water putty, finished with metallic spraypaints and latex paint.
Great Axe of the Ebon BladeFantasy weapon replica from "World of Warcraft" computer game | Reference PhotoA screen shot of the weapon in the computer game |
Axe HeadBasic profile cut out of rigid insulation foam | Carving the Axe |
Adding Details | Attaching Axe to HandleThe green coating on the axe is tinted elastomeric, (leftover from another project) to protect the foam and provide a unified base for paint. |
Completed Axe |
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